BioActive Soils Products
All our solid fertiliser products are packed full of beneficial living microbes sourced from open ocean fish and seaweed to unlock significant improvements across your farm.
Our Products
Unlock your farm potential using BioActive Soils Fertilisers and Supplements. Improving the ecosystem below the ground directly influences the results you will achieve above the ground- unlocking greater overall profitability potential for your farm.

BioFish N
An ideal fertiliser for fast plant growth, specifically suited to pastures. Grass growth performance is similar to applying synthetic Urea (N) but with a significantly less Nitrogen nutrient % ratio and minimal leaching or evaporation - essentially eliminating the need for Urea.

A high-performing fertiliser specifically created to suit the crop type for maximum yield production - including brassicas, fodder beet, cereals, maize, and composites.

BioPest N
A natural inoculant to control pests. A better way to control grass grub, porina, clover root weevil and other pests in pasture and crops is by significantly enhancing a plants natural resistance to insect pests.

To quickly improve livestock health. A range of solid (lick) and liquid (tonic) animal health supplements full of fish-based proteins, vitamins, minerals, omega 3, essential fats, and probiotics.
Product Quick Guide
Click on the image to view the product summary page.
Nutrient Quick Guide
With approximately 17 Macro and Micronutrients required to grow strong healthy plants to create a better livestock diet- we adjust our recipes to suit the pasture, crop, and animal health requirements of your farm. All our recipe-based products can include
- Macro Nutrients – N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg
- Micro Trace Elements- Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Mo, Co, Se, I, C
- Bacteria & Fungi Microbiology Inoculant- Living Soil Micro-Organisms
- Inoculants for pest and disease control including beneficial nematodes
- Mycorrhizal Fungi
- Aquatic Minerals from Seaweed- containing natural plant growth stimulants called Gibberellins
- Biological Feed- Humic and Fulvic Acid
- 20 Amino Acids & 12 Soil Proteins Necessary for Soil, Livestock & Human Health
- Soil Micro Flora & Animal Health Ingredients
- Vitamin B6, B12, A & C
- Folates
- Ascorbic Acid
- Thiamine & Riboflavin
- Humates
- Himalayan Salt
Unlock your farm potential using BioActive Soils Fertilisers & Supplements
Improving the ecosystem below the ground directly influences the results you will achieve above the ground- unlocking greater overall profitability potential for your farm.- Significantly reduce your Nitrogen input levels
- Benefit from 100% fertiliser use – minimise leaching or waste
- Increase your existing growth production yields
- Sustainably control grass grub, porina, and root weevil
- Build soils that retain moisture effectively
- Produce healthier, heavier livestock
- Reduce pugging and compaction issues
- Minimise or eliminate weeds in the pasture by creating a favourable
soil-fungi environment - Reduce fertiliser applications per year
- Increase the protein and fat levels in your milk vat
- Reduce the reliance on chemicals
- Extend your pasture and crop growth period
- Produce better quality on-farm feed – baleage
- Reduce animal health supplements
- Minimise environmental pressure
Note – actual results vary and are dependant on past, present, and future on-farm practices. This list outlines the potential from a successful BioActive Fertilization programme over-time.