
A range of solid (lick blocks) and liquid (tonic) animal health supplements designed with nutrition to help animals improve performance and boost overall health.

Animal performance and increase stock health

Are animals not keeping up with performance expectations? Looking for an easy, convenient way to increase stock health?

Give animals a leg up with their performance and health by restoring nutritional imbalances and boosting beneficial bacteria. BioTonic offers a range of solid (lick blocks) and liquid (tonic) animal health supplements full of fish-based proteins, vitamins, minerals, omega 3, essential fats, and probiotics.

  • Promotes digestive activity, immune function, and conception rates.
  • Source of essential proteins, minerals, and 60 trace elements.

Help your animals keep up with output demands and set them up for great health with BioTonic.

Lick blocks are sold in half-tonne bags and tonic is sold in 20 litre containers.

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BioTonic - BioActive Soils

Creating healthy pasture and crop environments

Arcadian Seaweed

An Arcadian seaweed-based liquid feed additive for livestock health, containing the probiotic Bacillus Subtilis and Diatomaceous Earth.

  • Source of essential proteins, minerals, and 60 trace elements.
  • Promotes digestive activity, immune function, and conception rates.

Bacillus Subtilis – Probiotic

A beneficial bacteria found in the gut of animals and humans.

  • Aids treatment of gastrointestinal and urinary tract diseases.
  • Inhibits the growth of various pathogenic bacteria – ( E.Coli, Salmonella).
  • Helps reduce the spread of bacterial infections.
  • Boosts the immune system with beneficial bacteria.
  • Supports enzyme production and digestive health.

Diatomaceous Earth

Food Grade

  • Eliminates internal parasites such as worms and barbers pole.
  • Benefits joints, hoof, and skin health.

Contact the Team

Improve Animals Health - BioActive Soils


Are you interested in nitrogen reduction, grass growth, crop establishment, pasture improvement, animal performance, pest control, or want to make the switch to a biological approach to your fertiliser?

Simply give us a call or complete the below form, and we will get in touch.